Now back to stamps as promised. Again this is not a Machin related post, but one which I think deserves a mention here as it will help promote stamp collecting as a hobby, and The London 2010 Festival of Stamps.
We all like something for nothing
If you purchase the next issue of of Stamp & Coin Mart magazine,this is what you will get. This free gift, described as: " A postcard, which features the original metal master die for Bertram Mackennal’s ‘Seahorse’ design along with three images of colour trials." I believe the magazine it is being sold in WH Smith from 8 January 2010, and the postcard is actually only available from this one source at the moment.

NB: I have just been informed that although some of the previous cards issued (1 - 3) to date have sold out, complete sets of cards (limited editions) of all the London 2010 postcards will be available for purchase sometime later this year.
they were robbed :-) who was though.. :-)
Keep up the good work on the Machin news / articles..
intersting maybe.. it costs equivalent of 31p to send local regular letter in Australia.. Sydney to Perth for example.. not bad eh!!
michael cddstamps
If you would like a free copy of the 2nd and 3rd postcards in this series they are available from the British Postal Museum & Archive Search Room. The 1st postcard is in very short supply and is no longer available, but we will be selling complete sets in the future. More details here.
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