There is not much to report that we have not covered elsewhere at the moment so I will be adding news here over the next week or so, as it comes to light.
Another update added below. ( Bernd Hallmann has the ANSWER to soaking off self adhesives)
One piece of news that may interest booklet collectors.
It has been reported to me of certain changes to the 6 x Gold 1st class retail booklets. Although the contents are the same, It has come to light that there is a change to the inside cover. A change which went unnoticed by many including myself.
If you collect booklet varieties (and want completion) this is one that you should be on the look out for.The new standard retail booklets of 6x1st NVI Gold were reissued without publicity. I am unsure about the actual date of issue, but someone has reported it to be the 26th January 2010, this date could be wrong.
So so if you have any further information on this development we would like to here from you, just so we have the facts correct.
These particular booklets carried a change to the text on the Postcode label side . Apparently the web address has been changed from : '' to ''.
Easy to miss (the 'P' of Postcodes now becomes lowercase). The book was produced by Walsall and is printed in Gravure. Cylinder numbers reported so far are W5 W1 ph W1
Previous dates and details:
Dates and cylinder numbers are as I received them (a bit vague) , but as this is the only information I have if I have it wrong please let me know.
Cylinder W5 W1 ph W1 ( 31 March 09)
Cylinder W5 W1 ph W2 ( 31 March 09)
6 x NVI gold with Bilingual Postcode label and additional security features . This is the date when additional security features were added. 'U' shaped die cuts have a bridge at the base. It was noticed that the die cut produced wavy (shallow) perforations.
W5 W1 ph W2, date reported (or printed) Oct 2009. The die cut perforations changed dramatically to something resembling battlements on a castle, collectors have named these as "Battlement perfs"
November (?) Cylinder numbers unknown, perforations revert back to normal ??
W5 W1 ph W1 (January 2010) text changed on postcode label. Perf type are thought to be normal.
If you are a booklet enthusiast, please do let us have your views on these, or any other booklets.
UPDATE: Mike Ellis "The new die cut perforation cylinder was introduced with the 6x1st, also 12x2nd and 12x1st Retail Booklets.
You are correct previous cylinders, cuts produced a 'wavy' shape with the crest having a small point. The new die cutter produces a more angular and broader crest, similar to as you reported a battlement. It was observed that the changes are similar to those that occurred on the 6x1st Retail Booklets printed by Questa issued 5 June 2002.
Also of interest: The bridge of the 'U' shaped security die cut appears slightly narrower to earlier printings."
UPDATE Added 10th March. The Bernd Hallman Method of how to remove the new security Stamps safely from envelopes using an old almost forgotten household cleaner.
The story is that Bernd got so frustrated when he was soaking about 100 of the new security stamps off envelopes. He worked very carefully to find when they were dry the glue was still sticking them all together. A common problem with all the methods we have come up with to date.
Looking for something to use to at least neutralise the remaining glue he opened the Cleaning Utilities Cabinet. The first thing he was staring at was - SUGAR SOAP. He gave it a try and put a few stamps into the undiluted solution, and instantly the Glue and the remaining thin paper came off.
He was now interested if an undiluted solution would soak the remaining 500 stamps of the envelopes. So he used lukewarm water with the sugar soap in a diluted solution of 300ml water and 100ml Sugar Soap (the liquid type).
95% of the stamps came off the paper, still carefully peeling the envelope paper off, but his glue problem was solved, as the solution (no pun intended) did neutralise the adhesive through the paper. The remaining 5% were backed by brown (carton like) paper - here he was not successful, yet - but he informs me he will keep trying.
Many thanks Bernd for this tip, now as you requested we have let the world know.
It is not really important, but but I am asking you guys for a bit of help here. I registered The Machin Blog Spot with the Top 50 Stamp sites and they did not even acknowledge us. Do not ask me why, I have no idea!
Machins Made Easy however do have a listing (at the moment we are number 4 on the list). As this site is affiliated with this blog, If you appreciate the content that we give you please log on to the GB Machins website every now and again and place your vote. Thanks in advance
I agree with the 26th Jan 2010 date for the text change. This is the date on the January Stocklist from the Royal Mail.
The booklet is available from the Bureau code UB307.
I would just like to thank you for introucing booklet information to this blog.
Many sites report on machins, but booklet info is usualy ingnored.
I had never heard of sugar soap, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. It's a water-soluble cleaning agent. In powder form, it looks like sugar, hence the name.
The article says that tri-sodium phosphate, which is more common in the U.S., is similar. There's a product called TSP, but because phosphorous compounds are pollutants, TSP today may be a different chemical.
Any of these products would be much more pleasant to work with than Ronsonol and white spirit, so if anyone else tries this, let us know.
Two new booklets were announced in November. One was the 6 x 1st with change to the postcode URL as you describe. The other is the 12 x 1st with no printer's name on the back cover.
The 12 x 1st was given a philatelic availability date of 15 December but there was a clear case of left hand and right hand at Tallents House as the January stock list shows:
Copy change - printer's name 12 x 1st - 15.12.09 - UB309
Olympics I - 07.01.10 - UB306
Copy change - website 6 x 1st - 26.01.10 - UB307
Copy change - printer's name 12 x 1st - 26.01.10 - UB310
Yes, the same booklet 12 x 1st has two different dates and two different codes - it is the same book! And the 6 x 1st with changed URL still has the printer's name on the reverse.
And we were all so busy looking at perforations and die cuts that none of us noticed that this book of 6 was the first instance of the MA10 year code on Machins.
Wood and trees come to mind!
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