As I am typing this report it is obvious that I am back home from the UK trip that took much longer than I imagined. Thanks go to Larry for keeping the blog alive with some great posts whilst I was away.
All of my business was eventually completed I had some spare time to visit a few post offices / stamp shops and get a few sample stamps. Namely I was interested in the new rate first day covers and the presentation pack, I also picked up a few other bits that I found interesting. Well it has been a busy time on the Machin front, what with several new printings coming to light containing several new codes by different printing companies.
Where to start, I guess at the beginning.
New counter sheet values from Walsall with a completely different code from De La Rue who printed the stamps for the first day covers and presentation packs, this was certainly a surprise. The stamps that were used on the official Royal Mail FDCs seem to be sideways printed. Stamps used in the presentation packs have an upright direction of print. The Walsall stamps have a year code of M13L, those in the pack and first day covers have a year code of MA13. As do the new signed for stamps. New discoveries
The £1.28 and £1 88p sheet values have now been seen with MA13 code both printed by De La Rue. Second class NVIs from the business sheet has been seen with M13L-MBIL codes and another second class from booklets of 12 containing the code M13L-MTIL.
A copy of the 1st class Post Office Red from booklets of 6 has also been seen with M13L-MSIL.
The 1st Class in Royal Mail Red has also been found with year code M13L / source code T from the booklet of 12. this is currently for sale on eBay.
The 1st Class in Royal Mail Red has also been found with year code M13L / source code T from the booklet of 12. this is currently for sale on eBay.
Hi Roy,
Welcome back.
Regarding the £1.88 with MA13, have the full sheets been seen, or only singles that may have come from presentation packs?
In answer to your question the cylinder block was sold on ebay it fetched £22.00
Full sheets of the £1.88 printed by De La Rue have been found in a few parts of the country.
Thanks for the info.
Roy, that link doesn't work, but I was able to find the lot by searching.
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