We've featured some nice items with a Machin design - a pillow, a rug - but many of these are beyond our budgets (at least, beyond my budget) for knickknacks, not even including shipping charges.

It's offered by PopartUK and you can find it on their site here. They also sell it on eBay, but it is less expensive if you order it direct.
AND if you order by October 31, you can get four for the price of three. That's what I did.
These calendars are captioned 'official Royal Mail calendar' but are not yet available on the RM website.
I've asked my account manager if they will be available from Tallents House.
I've now had it confirmed that these are only 'official' to the extent that the company are officially licensed to produce them with Royal Mail imagery.
They will not be on sale from Royal Mail outlets or their website.
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