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Saturday, 28 November 2015

Machin-related Help Needed for Gibbons Windsor Album

A Machin collector in the U.K. has sent me this plea:

Over the years I have purchased the annual supplements of the Windsor Albums and changed the pages as required, but it would appear that over the years I have either discarded pages I should have kept or misread the instructions, as there appears to be pages missing or unfathomable page continuations. 

My problem now is I have various  Machins, both gummed and s/a, with and without the ellipses, that I cannot find a space for in the pages that remain. Some of these stamps are several years old. 

To get me out of my misery, I really need someone who can advise me on what pages I should have in my album by volume for the Machin issues.

If you can help this collector, please contact me via my email address at the top of this page, and I will forward your information to this needy collector. 


UPDATE: A reader in the U.K. has come forth to give assistance to our perplexed collector.

1 comment:

Bagels Recipes said...

Great poost thankyou