My new fibre optic internet connection is still no nearer than it was when I last posted, in fact there is no sight of it and will now not be available until around christmas time.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been adding to my collection and stock via ebay offers. As usual I got bidding fever and I have purchased perhaps loads more booklets than I should have.
The extras 50p, £1, £2 and lots of various counter booklets will be offered at competative prices via this blog in the new year. In the mean time If you have any requests to fill in your own gaps, please let me know by email what you need and I will see what I can do for you via private sales.
One ebay seller in particular by the name of Scott has been very helpful in supplying me with some great booklets in multiple deals and I must say "spectacular deals at that", filling in many gaps that I have.
I hope to post more content here soon, keeping my fingers crossed, and hoping this new wifi connection stays healthy.
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