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Monday, 17 April 2017

Thanks Go To FDC Producers

Today I wish to give thanks to producers of modern fist day of issue covers for giving us a glimpse of issues which for what ever reason dealers and bloggers like Ian Billings who have prior knowledge are forbidden to do. Thanks Ian we understand the reasons why (or why not) and also for what you do allow us to see.

Tony Buckingham and Adrian Bradbury are two cover producers who come directly to mind. I often refer to Adrian's cover designs (BFDC) which I admire greatly and thank him for sharing these with us. We now have a permanent link directed to his site.

As far as the 50th Anniversary of the Machin definitive goes Tony Buckingham does one better. As well as showing the miniature sheets he also gives us an insight to all the complete panes from the forth coming prestige booklet and the anniversary booklet of six x 1st class with the corresponding anniversary label. As a thank you to Tony a permanent link to Buckingham Covers will also be added to our links section.
Another website I admire is that of  Machins of Great Britain by Robin Harris / Adminware Corporation. Not only is this a valuable insight to every Machin issued with diagrams and images galore. It also gives the average to medium Machin collector advise and free up to date album pages to download in pdf form. There is also a pdf (also free) with advise and information simplifying the Machin. I have made a mental note to visit robins site more often.

1 comment:

Trelantis said...

Looks like there may be 20 new stamps from the PSB!