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Thursday, 19 October 2017

Star Wars Custom Booklets

There is not much happening on the Machin scene at the moment, some say it has been a quiet year regarding  new issues.

Ealier Last Month I mentioned two Star Wars custom booklets that were due to be released on 12th October. I now have the images and stamp details for these issues.

The Machin 1st class stamps are of the deeper shade of red (which seems  to be the norm now). The codes are the same as  previous 2017 custom booklets MCIL / M17L so these will not be classed as new  stamps. However the the wavy line backing substrate does have the reversed / upright /inverted text format. I believe this is the the only custom booklet to date to use this.
I dare say all future custom booklets will follow suit.

Me personally I do not think it alters the stamp in any way as it is not part of the stamp design but collectors of booklets like any small deviation from the norm and will no doubt be searching for normal upright booklets among the packs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that the C in MCIL of the Aliens booklet is squarer than the one in the Droids booklet? It also seems to be squarer than anything seen in previous mixed booklets.