2018 has now arrived so on behalf of all Machin collectors worldwide
A Happy And Peace Full New Year To All .
The latter half of 2017 has been an eventful one for myself and family, some of you may be wandering why the posts on this blog have dried up to a certain extent. I can now inform you that my wife and I have returned north (back to Machin country and our roots). Due to my wife's ill health we have returned back to the UK nearer to our extended family. Stress is not the word for it but I will leave out the details. I will just say it has been a nightmare but we are here now safe and sound.
On the 2nd day of our arrival the snow came down thick and fast and after 48 hours we had 8 inches of it on the roads which was not ideal for us. We had not seen snow for 10 years. This cleared and a few days later we had another 4 inches drop from the sky. Not ideal when you are setting up a new home.
Sill a lot to do to get settled in but slowly we are getting there. My stamps, stock books and catalogues are still packed away and will be for some time to come. Nice and snug in containers waiting for the study to be completed
Back to Machins, 2018 should bring a new hat full custom booklets, prestige booklets, and new sheet stamps will also be in the pipeline add to this the overpriced labels so there should be another bumper harvest.
1 comment:
Roy, all the best back in UK.. pity about the weather hope 2018 is a healthy year for you both Michael cddstamps@gmail.com
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