I had a little time on my hands yesterday and decided to check through my recent purchase of 10p miscut booklets which I described on a previous post.

To my surprise I found five copies with a flaw on the 1p stamp listed as UMFB1/2, these show a semi circle of four blue dots on the shoulder of the bust.
As the booklets are miscut the flaw is transferred to row 2/ stamp 1 rather than the listed image description of row 2/stamp 2. What is also nice four out of the five booklets have reasonably good perforations the fifth booklet have what I would call trimmed to a degree on one side..
I have kept two copies for my collection and added one on eBay, this leaves a remainder of two which I am offering here to blog readers. 1 x has average /good perfs @ 5.99 and 1 x with trimmed perfs to a degree @ 4.75. Both are offered with free postage to the first two collectors who email me to reserve them.
I also still have a few booklets without the flaw for sale at the original price offered. Treat your self to something different. It not often these booklets are offered for sale. As for the the flawed miscut variety I have never seen them advertised before.
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