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Wednesday, 10 October 2018

UPDATED Pre Decimal Booklets Pt 3

Continuing  the series we look at the first 2/- Pre Decimal Machin Booklets:  PVA gum

The date of the first known 2/- Pre Decimal Machin booklet is listed as May 1968. These have a yellowish orange cover and were printed by Harrison's.

These booklets contain 2 panes.

Pane 1: 2 x 1D olive and 2 x 3D violet horizontally se-tenant.

The panes are listed by Gibbons as SG UB5, The 1D values on the left and the 3D on the right.

A second  pane is also listed. SG UB5A. The make up of SG UB5A show the values reversed 1D on the right 3d on the left. These values have 2 phosphor bars.

Pane two is listed as SG UB10 and is made up of 4 x 4D sepia stamps with a centre phosphor bar.


Catalogue numbers and dates on the rear of the booklets are.

NP27 May 1968
NP28 July 1968
NP29 Aug 1968

The covers changed colour in September 1968 to light grey. More about  these in Pt 4.


dieter said...

how do i post a new article?

found a 1st class Royal Mail red with 2 short phosphor bands; code M14l / MTIL

please help.

Dieter, London

Roy said...

Helo Dieter

You can not post directly on the blog, send me your report by email I will post it for you.
