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Monday, 23 March 2020

Back On The Ride

Hello again folks Have you missed me? Do not answer that :-) For those of you that know me you will appreciate I had a bereavement last June and decided to take a sabbatical from Blogging about Machin stamps for a year.

Well due to the fact that we have this worldwide pandemic I am now in self isolation for who knows how long and I  have decided to come back early so to speak. I had a nasty case of flue in January through to February which knocked me sideways, so I spent six weeks more or less in self quarantine then. I am virus free at the moment but adhering to government guidelines. I would hate to catch it again.

Anyway I am back, do not all shout hooray at once.

I have continued to delve in Machins over the past months whilst non blogging both selling on eBay buying both privately and through auctions. I have mostly been concentrating on my Pre Decimal Machin Collection adding interesting items in booklet form and a few cylinder blocks. I find it is much cheaper than keeping up with new self adhesive issues.

Talking about new issues this latest price hike will set a lot of people back a few pounds, affording them after stocking up on toilet rolls etc will be difficult for a lot of collectors, but why collect toilet rolls anyway?

At present the Post Offices are still open. A family member collects my out going mail twice per week and takes it to my nearest PO counter, but we do not know for how long, Royal Mail are still delivering I had a delivery this morning, again no one knows for how long they can maintain this..

Anyway, what better way to to busy and sane during a crisis. Get your albums and stock books out, have a tidy up, see the stamps you had forgotten that you have.  I did this a couple of weeks ago and found a book full of Wilding miniature sheets both number 1 and 2. I think I purchased them as an investment at the time, do not ask me why!!

Keep an eye out for my future musings and above all keep your selves and family safe. Nice to be back......Roy


Ian - Norvic said...

Good to have you back, Roy. I wish you well, especially if you are in Spain.

Roy said...

Thanks Ian. I am in the UK.