Unless you are a devoted Machin booklet collector this may not interest you, but I am adding it to the blog as many people do still collect this type of material.

Recently Ian Billings informed us of a change to the back of 12 x 1st class booklet cover. "On 15 December the 12 x 1st Machin booklet will be available with no printer's name on the back cover."
We have been informed that the contents of the booklets will not be affected they will still carry the same security slit type and hidden (T)codes for x 12 1st class as previous security stamps from this source.
If you have any information (or pictures) of changes to future booklet covers, please let us know and if possible send a scan. I will then add them to the blog.
Thanks in advance.
This follows the removal of the printers' logos from the sheet margins a couple of years ago. Does anyone know why Royal Mail is doing this?
They also removed the printers imprint from the back of FDCs although there are still almost appropriate acknowledgements on the inserts.
I say 'almost' because the next one for the Classic Album Covers shows the printer of the stamps as De La Rue, as well as all the design acknowledgements. The FDC is designed by Studio Dempsey, but there is no indicator of the cover printer.
But... the question is, if there is a new booklet printer we will only know if they tell us or if there is a different cylinder number. In which case the MTIL code will not identify the source.
If i remember correctly, sometimes individual printers wrapping (check) labels and carton labels indicate the printer.
For some, (members of the MBPC)these were collectors items in their own right.
Are these still being used? If so, will (do) they still indicate who are the printers.
18th Dec '09
Surely the printer can be identified from the type of security slit 2 cuts, 4 cuts, type 2a (Wal/DLR)?
Phil in Kent
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