The highlight of the afternoon was a club auction which was greatly received by about 25 -30 members who scurried back and forth between the tables checking lots, looking for bargains and making bids. I picked up my share of these after frantic bidding with several rivals.
Although I do not collect special issues I could not resist the many bargains on offer. All lots had low start prices with the start price as the reserve. My best bargain has to be a very fine used copy of 1st class die cut self adhesive SG 2207 (Swift Class Submarine) for the paltry amount 25 cents. No one seemed to notice it was the self adhesive variety. This is catalogued in Gibbons Concise 2007 @ £37.00. A very elusive stamp which I will tuck away, or If you really want a copy I am open to offers.
NB: The stamp shown below is a mint copy, not the one I won, this has a small wavy cancelation to the top left. I can send a scan if anyone is serious about making me a realistic offer.

Although I do not collect Special Issues, I have a friend who does, so I ended up with a fist full of packets which I will pass on to him, for a small profit of course :-) well I have to get more beer money back for the weekend don't I?
Other Bargains were miniature sheets including the Machin 40th Anniversary, The Regional Anniversary, The 2000 Stamp Show Millennium sheet, The 3 Kings and a Matthews Miniature sheet. Three of the Regional Celebrating sheets, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland. Another bargain was the Least we forget MS2685 with a nice inset band right (well past the ellipse) to the 78p Regional stamps. This was truly a snip at four Euros.
Many other lots were acquired which included early bar code booklets. An England Rugby Winners presentation pack. At three Euros for this, who can resist?
I must have won 50 lots, and could have bid on many more. I ended up spending my weeks pocket money, which I am pleased I took with me. Fortunately for me I have already managed to sell a few so if I do not see my pal straight away, I will not be doing a dry one for the rest of the week :-)
I am Looking forward to the next auction sometime in November. It had been so long since I went to one of these auctions (any auction) I had forgotten what fun it is. Lastly my personal thanks must go to Lynn Hickman who put in a tremendous amount of (unpaid) work to make the day a great success.
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