Left: we have The London 2010 Festival of Stamps - Machin Exhibition Souvenir Sheet in all its glory.
Definitely one for the album this one. I like it! Issue date 8th May. Sheet price £5.05
I have no news of the printer, paper type or phosphor layout as yet. It is presumed that all stamps will have two phosphor bars, but It would be nice to see something different from the counter sheet stamps. Perhaps like the Matthews sheet this COULD BE, if Royal Mail thought in advance OFPP, but I doubt it..
If you have any news of the missing information above I would like to hear from you. Either drop me line or leave a comment on site.

The booklet will contain four panes of stamps. The price is suggested as £9.76, and it is assumed it will be printed by Cartor in Litho. The values appear to be 4 x 5p, 2 x 10p and 2 x 60p + a central label. The other three panes will contain special issues (3 x different blocks of 4) se-tenant from the Britain Alone set.
If you have any money left over for more stamps. The next image (below) is a mock up of the next mixed self adhesive booklet entitled Action for Species 4. The issue date for this is suggested as 15th June 1010. It will be printed by Walsall and cost £2.46. Another chance to obtain Machins with a hidden code C in the background?
I know they are ears, but is it me or does it look like the otter has 4 eyes? A nice booklet just the same.

By email from David Alderfer
There are 12 different colors (including black). I think (though am not definitely sure) that the presses have only 12 ink wells. Since all wells would contain a color ink there is none left for phosphor "ink". Therefore, I am assuming the paper will be phosphor coated, probably the same as used for the Matthews' pane of 2000.
Thanks David, I did not give the 12cylinders a thought !!
As I understand it, this miniature sheet will be printed by Cartor in lithography. It is designed by Silk Pearce and measures 105mm x 95mm. You will notice that this image is only another infamous Royal Mail mock-up: there are three perforation holes below the ellipses.
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