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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Postcard For National Stamp Day


It has been a few weeks since I was here last, now my business in the UK has been concluded so I am back at my desk until sometime in February 2014. I will be listing the booklets which I mentioned in a previous post as soon as I get my self settled in again.

For today, someone commented that there were two more label booklet panes in the series mentioned below, many thanks to you. The missing panes are one of a painting by HRH the Prince of Wales issued I think in November 1998 and another depicting The Berlin Airlift issued in May 1999.

 Although I knew about these panes I had completely ignored them as they were not in the item listed for sale on the day, sorry about that. Just for those who have not seen them I have found a couple of images.

As I have some time to kill today and a few minutes to spare from other duties I thought I might update the blog with  a couple of items that may be of interest.

The first is a Machin postcard that I have came across during my virtual travels. This was issued in 1981 commemorating National Stamp Day. In my humble opinion at just over £1.00 this is a relatively cheap item that will stick out visually and add that little something extra to a Machin collection.

The second item(s) I have come across today also add that certain something, these are a complete set of booklet pane and commemorative labels. These were  issued between 1994 and 2000 and as you can see each pane includes 4 x 1st class Machins attached to a commemorative label.

These were originally produced for insertion into folded booklets, and then sold by Royal Mail as unfolded panes without the booklet covers. There are two types of each pane to collect, plain and cylinder plate numbered.

The complete collection shown below comprises of :

1994 300 years of the bank of England.

1995 R J Mitchell designer of the Spitfire

1996 HM the Queen 70th birthday

1997 Hong Kong handover

1997 Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference

1999 Rugby World Cup

2000 Postman Pat Stamp Show 2000

2000 Botanical Gardens of Wales

All of these items are currently for sale on eBay. My thanks go out to the people who have them listed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are two missing, Berlin airlift and the Price of Wales' birthday