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Sunday, 26 January 2014

We Have A Winner

Congratulations go to John B,who was the first to answer with the correct information. He added some differences that I did not spot: Several other responded with the correct answer. Thanks go to Ian who came second he gave me a great reply which I will reproduce at the end.

 Johns reply is below

I am by no means an expert, but I recognised your pair of se-tenant stamps immediately as being from the London 1980 10p booklets.

Image 1 is from the original printing on Harrison's Jumelle press (in the days before Walsall and Questa).  On this printing, the value on the 8p is set higher than that on the adjacent 1p.

Image 2 is from a later printing on the Chambon press, in which the two values are set at the same height. on the Chambon the 'p' on the 1p is also set further away from the '1' than on the Jumelle printing.

These are the major differences that are clearly visible to the naked eye. Another tell-tale on the complete booklets is that the 'postcode' label text is thicker on the Jumelle than on the Chambon."

Thanks for an interesting competition.

With best wishes,John B

(Roy : my comment regarding the label, I did not spot this, but the value on the 1 from the value on the Chambon  does look thicker to me)

Ian R wrote

"They look like stamps from 10p books (1x8p, 2x1p, label).  The top pair is Jumelle printed from DP36, cylinders B19B3, issued 17/10/79.  The bottom pair is Chambon printed from DP36A, cyls B21B9 and issued 04/08/80.

Best Wishes,
Ian (R)

John your prize will be on its way soon.

If you do not have these in your collection and would be interested in owning them you still have an oppotunity to slot them into your collection.

At this time  I have several copies of the complete booklets and a couple of sets of the stamps available from the booklets running on eBay. They finish in two days time.

1 comment:

John Lee Blackwell said...

I seriously believe that this topic study (Machin stamps) can prevent the onset of mental debilitation i.e. this is Nootropics without the pills! :D