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Thursday, 8 September 2016

I am sorry that I have not posted on the blog for a while.

It has been a quiet time of late for collectors of Machin definititive stamps, perhaps RM thought we needed a short rest. Well I can now inform you that on the 20th October 2016 the respite from new Machin issues will come to a abrupt end.

We mentioned earlier this year that changes to booklet covers and business sheets were due, we were informed that this is a result of changes to Royal Mails corporate livery. At this time we are not quite sure what the actual change will be. Some say it is just a change to the type face.

Never the less a change is a change and collectors of these products who prefer completeness will be interested in what will be issued on the date and will be available for them to collect.

All these listed below will be printed by Walsall Security printers.


6 x 1st NVI
12 x 2nd NVI
12 x 1st NVI
4 x 2nd Large
4 x 1st Large

Business Sheets

100 x 2nd NVI
100 x 1st NVI
50 x 2nd NVI
50 x 1st NVI

Also on the 20th October 2016 a new custom booklet of 2 x special issues and 4 x 1st class Machins is due for release. This will depict the genius of illustrator Roger Hargreaves who is remembered for the creation of Mr Men and Little Miss. The Machins I am informed will revert back to the Royal Mail red colour and will be coded C for custom with the year 16 incorporated in the date code.

Thanks go to BFDC for the image

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