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Saturday, 4 March 2017

New Machins For Tariff Rise 2017

New Machins to be issued on 21st March 2017, These new values (I presume) will be in the form of counter sheets printed by De La Rue and will cover new tariffs that will come into effect on the 27th March 2017.

The pic of the £1.57 stamp above is just a mock up.

These are strange names for shades of colour but I am informed they are correct. They were released from an official source at Royal Mail. 

£1.17 Sunset Red 
£1.40 Dark Green Pine 
£1.57 Tarragon Green 
£2.27 Harvest Gold 
£2.55 Garnet red

For more information on these new issues and the new country stamps go to Ians blog.

Below is a pic of the Machin pane from the Windsor Castle Prestige Booklet. I quite like it!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi all,

Got my new Machins this Morning from Royal Mail and noticed again they are Die-Cut where the sheet stamps are of course perforated.