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Monday, 11 April 2016

Machin News April 2016: Special Delivery M16L

Reports are coming in thick and fast.

 Colin D sent me this report of a new counter sheet stamp with the M16L code. No security backing paper. As you can see from the image it is a special delivery up to 500g Machin. 

Thanks Colin, you did not give details of the printing date. Do you know it? Colin did however inform me that it was discovered this month; ie April.

I have also seen an ex counter sheet single myself on eBay a £1.00 value M16L with no security backing paper. This is unusual as the new rate £1.05 came into effect at the end of March.

There are also reports of a book of 12 (red) 1st class M16L code T with security backing paper selling on eBay.

Thanks go to JB for this information.

I am having serious difficulties with my email account so I have set up another with Gmail which forwards most everything from the existing lineone account that does not go into a spam box. The new Gmail address is

Please, it would help if you change to this or if you do not have me down as a contact add this to your address list.

-----  Roy


Ian - Norvic said...

New printing dates:

2nd Large - 16/02/16
1st Large - 12/02/16 NEW!

Large Signed For - 01/03/16 NEW!

1st purple - 26/02/16
£1 wood brown - 09/02/16 NEW!
(Still an important make-up value)

£1.05 - 10/02/16
£1.33 - 18/02/16

SD500 - 03/03/16 NEW!

Machin Man said...

Thanks Ian,