Here is the latest edition to the index Pages. This will join its counterparts number 1 -200 and 201 - 300 in the left margin.
Machin's portrait is chic in Chelsea. The image is on the left side of the Daily Mail's page. Click on the image on that page to see a larger version.
Unusual £1 Date Block. A collector reports the £1 violet with a printing date of 15-03-07
April 2009 Rate Rise. More news of stamps to be issued for the April 2009 rate rise.
Miniature Sheets
New Issues (More Information. Iimages of the new security (slit) Machins.
Machin Man or Macho Man? I found this while playing on the net ( another post with a difference) and thought id share it with you.
Machin News February 09 (updated)
Interrupted Phosphor Bars. Interrupted bands are not new, back in the early 90s we had several trial window booklets with contents that were described as inset bands and short bars.
Printing Dates & Cylinder Numbers recorded for the De La Rue security (slit) stamps to date.
Gibbons Collect British Stamps 2009. This unique colour checklist is a simple guide to all British stamps from 1840 up to the date of publication
Interrupted Phosphor Bars ( Part II )
New Security Stamps (Continued)
New First day Covers
Bits & Bobs + De La Rue Business Sheets
Postage Cost Calculator
Comments From Readers This is a message to ALL readers who take out time to visit, send e-mails and contribute to postings. Many many thanks, it makes it all worth while to know that the combined efforts to produce this blog are appreciated.
More Bits & Bobs
British Stamp Market Values. A catalogue entitled British Stamp Market Values 2009
Preview Of New Machins 31st March 09
Machin News March 2009
Some News on Great Britain 2010 issues
Removing New (slit) Self Adhesives From Paper. From all the discussions on how to remove the new security stamps from paper, it seems we now have a common answer to this poser. Also see Sticky Stuff Remover
Security Machins - Colour Singles
Tales Of Beatrix Potter
More Machin Links
The First Walsall Security Booklets Also see Walsall Booklets (Part II)
A sneaky peek at one of Tony Buckingham's forthcoming first day cover designs.
Walsall x 6 (A Blow Up)
Postal Heritage And Stamps
Posting your replies
A reply From Ian
Flowers Commemorative Booklet. This booklet is to commemorate The 50th anniversary of NAFAS which is the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.
Walsall Booklets (Part III)
Machin Labels. These Prestige booklet pane labels would make a nice little collection on their own.
Security Machins overprint. Playing around in Photoshop.
New Values 2009. More details have emerged on the new values to be released 31th March. Adrian Adds To The Debate
Stamp Printers By Glenn H Morgan
Stock Cards From Walsall?
New Machins Printing Dates / Deegam Freebeie
Pictures of parts of the primary sheets for the new security Machins issued on 17th March.
Alcohol Does The Job /Alcohol works, but is it worth the effort?
Byfleet De La Rue Cylinders And Date Blocks
Dunstable Dates And Cylinder numbers
Cylinder Numbers / Dates DLR Security Issues
De La Rue Security Cylinder Blocks (update)
Bridge That Gap
To Buy Or Not To Buy
Hidden Codes on Security Machins. Douglas Myall published news that the non-denominated security Machins have a hidden code that identifies the format in which the stamp was issued.
Keep Smiling I suspect that the majority of collectors are far from smiling these days, not when they learn that another private sheet of themed Smilers Sheets were released in April .
Images of hidden codes on Security Machins
Noting the changes
De La Rue Business Sheets. top panels of the new De La Rue security (slit) business sheets.
Smilers for Kids
The new self adhesive security (slit) Booklet stamps
Cross Referencing DP and Gibbons Numbers
Machin Mystery: Czeslaw Slania and the Unknown Competitor
Miniature Machins
Faststamps Forgery
Last year when Royal Mail gave out details of the 2009 program, it was mentioned that no less than 4 Prestige booklets were to released
Stampers Booklets 1994
Regional Machin Symbols - Part 3
Sorting Machins
Shredded Machin
Quiz Winner Congratulations go to Dennis Wallick who had a grand total of 24.
More News on New Machins
Closed Chapters, Never Say Never !
Machin News June 2009
New, Trial Machin Label. This verification has now come our way via Ian of Norvic philatelics
Here is a drawing from Vince Patel who posts on the Machin Forum. It clearly shows the security slits used on the New Machin Horizon label.
A Letter from Norvic Philatelics
Machin's Ancestors Also see: Local web site honors Machin
More Machin News (June 2009).
Deegam Report (83) The lead story is the Horizon Machin label. Exclusive official information is on page 3
No Spitfire Stamp?
Two New Booklets. The Design Classics booklets issued this year.
Strange But True
New Security Stamps With Short Bands
Due to Arnold Machin, this exceptionally beautiful head ornament, incorporating the national emblems of England, Scotland and Ireland, is probably now the most familiar piece of Her Majesty The Queen's jewellery known to the general public. The Diadem
Writing to The Queen
Comments From Larry
Early Machin Stamp Designs
The Decimal Coinage Head
Machin Booklets With Unprinted Stamps
"R" You Ready For This? A letter "R" in the semi hidden background text. "R" YOU Ready (Updated)
Somaliland 1p Machin Somaliland 1p Overprint (Part Two)
Sir Nigel Gresley & The Mallard. Booklets that depicted railway steam engines on the covers.Sir Nigel Continued
Treasures of the Archive Prestige Stamp Book
List of Machin Values and Colours
Design Classics First Day Covers
Machins In Spain??
The Isle Man Triskelion Two More Isle Of Man Machins
More Birmingham Postmarks
The last day of sale of the Horizon Gold Machin Head label
A Great day out at Machin estate Garmelow Manor
R. J Mitchel And The Spitfire
Aircraft On Stamps (The Lancaster)
Last in the series from Larry. Regional Machin Symbols - Part 4
2009 Prestige Book Machins
Choco Machins
Reader's Digest Coils Reader's Digest coils are multivalue coils created by Royal Mail for use by several large customers
Z For Zero Background: These are described as errors by the owner who placed them on eBay for sale
Machin's portrait is chic in Chelsea. The image is on the left side of the Daily Mail's page. Click on the image on that page to see a larger version.
Unusual £1 Date Block. A collector reports the £1 violet with a printing date of 15-03-07
April 2009 Rate Rise. More news of stamps to be issued for the April 2009 rate rise.
Miniature Sheets
New Issues (More Information. Iimages of the new security (slit) Machins.
Machin Man or Macho Man? I found this while playing on the net ( another post with a difference) and thought id share it with you.
Machin News February 09 (updated)
Interrupted Phosphor Bars. Interrupted bands are not new, back in the early 90s we had several trial window booklets with contents that were described as inset bands and short bars.
Printing Dates & Cylinder Numbers recorded for the De La Rue security (slit) stamps to date.
Gibbons Collect British Stamps 2009. This unique colour checklist is a simple guide to all British stamps from 1840 up to the date of publication
Interrupted Phosphor Bars ( Part II )
New Security Stamps (Continued)
New First day Covers
Bits & Bobs + De La Rue Business Sheets
Postage Cost Calculator
Comments From Readers This is a message to ALL readers who take out time to visit, send e-mails and contribute to postings. Many many thanks, it makes it all worth while to know that the combined efforts to produce this blog are appreciated.
More Bits & Bobs
British Stamp Market Values. A catalogue entitled British Stamp Market Values 2009
Preview Of New Machins 31st March 09
Machin News March 2009
Some News on Great Britain 2010 issues
Removing New (slit) Self Adhesives From Paper. From all the discussions on how to remove the new security stamps from paper, it seems we now have a common answer to this poser. Also see Sticky Stuff Remover
Security Machins - Colour Singles
Tales Of Beatrix Potter
More Machin Links
The First Walsall Security Booklets Also see Walsall Booklets (Part II)
A sneaky peek at one of Tony Buckingham's forthcoming first day cover designs.
Walsall x 6 (A Blow Up)
Postal Heritage And Stamps
Posting your replies
A reply From Ian
Flowers Commemorative Booklet. This booklet is to commemorate The 50th anniversary of NAFAS which is the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.
Walsall Booklets (Part III)
Machin Labels. These Prestige booklet pane labels would make a nice little collection on their own.
Security Machins overprint. Playing around in Photoshop.
New Values 2009. More details have emerged on the new values to be released 31th March. Adrian Adds To The Debate
Stamp Printers By Glenn H Morgan
Stock Cards From Walsall?
New Machins Printing Dates / Deegam Freebeie
Pictures of parts of the primary sheets for the new security Machins issued on 17th March.
Alcohol Does The Job /Alcohol works, but is it worth the effort?
Byfleet De La Rue Cylinders And Date Blocks
Dunstable Dates And Cylinder numbers
Cylinder Numbers / Dates DLR Security Issues
De La Rue Security Cylinder Blocks (update)
Bridge That Gap
To Buy Or Not To Buy
Hidden Codes on Security Machins. Douglas Myall published news that the non-denominated security Machins have a hidden code that identifies the format in which the stamp was issued.
Keep Smiling I suspect that the majority of collectors are far from smiling these days, not when they learn that another private sheet of themed Smilers Sheets were released in April .
Images of hidden codes on Security Machins
Noting the changes
De La Rue Business Sheets. top panels of the new De La Rue security (slit) business sheets.
Smilers for Kids
The new self adhesive security (slit) Booklet stamps
Cross Referencing DP and Gibbons Numbers
Machin Mystery: Czeslaw Slania and the Unknown Competitor
Miniature Machins
Faststamps Forgery
Last year when Royal Mail gave out details of the 2009 program, it was mentioned that no less than 4 Prestige booklets were to released
Stampers Booklets 1994
Regional Machin Symbols - Part 3
Sorting Machins
Shredded Machin
Quiz Winner Congratulations go to Dennis Wallick who had a grand total of 24.
More News on New Machins
Closed Chapters, Never Say Never !
Machin News June 2009
New, Trial Machin Label. This verification has now come our way via Ian of Norvic philatelics
Here is a drawing from Vince Patel who posts on the Machin Forum. It clearly shows the security slits used on the New Machin Horizon label.
A Letter from Norvic Philatelics
Machin's Ancestors Also see: Local web site honors Machin
More Machin News (June 2009).
Deegam Report (83) The lead story is the Horizon Machin label. Exclusive official information is on page 3
No Spitfire Stamp?
Two New Booklets. The Design Classics booklets issued this year.
Strange But True
New Security Stamps With Short Bands
Due to Arnold Machin, this exceptionally beautiful head ornament, incorporating the national emblems of England, Scotland and Ireland, is probably now the most familiar piece of Her Majesty The Queen's jewellery known to the general public. The Diadem
Writing to The Queen
Comments From Larry
Early Machin Stamp Designs
The Decimal Coinage Head
Machin Booklets With Unprinted Stamps
"R" You Ready For This? A letter "R" in the semi hidden background text. "R" YOU Ready (Updated)
Somaliland 1p Machin Somaliland 1p Overprint (Part Two)
Sir Nigel Gresley & The Mallard. Booklets that depicted railway steam engines on the covers.Sir Nigel Continued
Treasures of the Archive Prestige Stamp Book
List of Machin Values and Colours
Design Classics First Day Covers
Machins In Spain??
The Isle Man Triskelion Two More Isle Of Man Machins
More Birmingham Postmarks
The last day of sale of the Horizon Gold Machin Head label
A Great day out at Machin estate Garmelow Manor
R. J Mitchel And The Spitfire
Aircraft On Stamps (The Lancaster)
Last in the series from Larry. Regional Machin Symbols - Part 4
2009 Prestige Book Machins
Choco Machins
Reader's Digest Coils Reader's Digest coils are multivalue coils created by Royal Mail for use by several large customers
Z For Zero Background: These are described as errors by the owner who placed them on eBay for sale
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